Tourist Sites in Historical center

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Stock Exchange Palace

Stock Exchange Palace Palacio da Bolsa

Stock Exchange Palace Stock Exchange Palace

Historical center

One of the best tours in Porto is the Stock Exchange Palace, a national monument listed as a UNESCO World Heritage ...

São Bento train station

São Bento train station Porto São Bento

São Bento train station São Bento train station

Historical center

Huge and magnificent, the Porto train station is a site not to be missed, even without taking the train. Gigantic ...

Dom Louis 1st Bridge

Dom Louis 1st Bridge Ponte Luís I

Dom Louis 1st Bridge Dom Louis 1st Bridge

Historical center

A true architectural feat, the Dom Louis 1st Bridge is the most majestic in Porto, nicknamed “the city of ...

Clérigos Tower

Clérigos Tower Torre dos Clérigos

Clérigos Tower Clérigos Tower

Historical center

A religious building from the 18th century, the Clérigos church is a baroque work by Nicolau Nasoni, an architect ...

Place de Lisboa

Place de Lisboa Lisbon Square

Place de Lisboa Place de Lisboa

Historical center

A place of passage and meetings, Lisbon Square is the common point of the Lello bookstore, the Church of the Clergy ...

São João National Theater

São João National Theater Teatro Nacional São João

São João National Theater São João National Theater

Historical center

Ribeira District

Ribeira District Cais da Ribeira

Ribeira District Ribeira District

Historical center

An emblematic place in the city of Porto, the Ribeira district is lively and lively. Numerous terraces and ...

Cordoaria Garden

Cordoaria Garden Garden of Cordoaria

Cordoaria Garden Cordoaria Garden

Historical center

In the center of Porto, this peaceful and shaded urban park invites you to relax. The pool built in the center ...

Church of Saint Francis

Church of Saint Francis Igreja de São Francisco

Church of Saint Francis Church of Saint Francis

Historical center

This wonderful and unmissable place presents a style mixed between baroque, Gothic and Romanesque. But the ...

Church of Carmo

Church of Carmo Igreja do Carmo

Church of Carmo Church of Carmo

Historical center

This is not common, two churches almost next to each other, simply separated by a pseudo house barely 1 meter wide. ...

Church of Misericordia

Church of Misericordia Igreja da Misericórdia

Church of Misericordia Church of Misericordia

Historical center

Situated on the emblematic Rua das Flores, this beautiful church is a monument well worth a visit, packed with a ...

Porto Cathedral

Porto Cathedral Cathédrale de Sé

Porto Cathedral Porto Cathedral

Historical center

Porto's most important religious monument, it looks like a fortress with its battlements visible from the outside. ...

Palais Episcopal

Palais Episcopal Paço Episcopal do Porto

Palais Episcopal Palais Episcopal

Historical center

Since 2016, you have had the privilege of being able to access the episcopal palace of the Bishop of Porto. As soon ...

Infante House

Infante House Casa do Infante

Historical center

A 14th century building, it saw the birth of Henry the Navigator in 1934, the prince who began the Portuguese ...