Historic Buildings and Monuments in Historical center

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Stock Exchange Palace

Stock Exchange Palace Palacio da Bolsa

Stock Exchange Palace Stock Exchange Palace

Historical center

One of the best tours in Porto is the Stock Exchange Palace, a national monument listed as a UNESCO World Heritage ...

São Bento train station

São Bento train station Porto São Bento

São Bento train station São Bento train station

Historical center

Huge and magnificent, the Porto train station is a site not to be missed, even without taking the train. Gigantic ...

Dom Louis 1st Bridge

Dom Louis 1st Bridge Ponte Luís I

Dom Louis 1st Bridge Dom Louis 1st Bridge

Historical center

A true architectural feat, the Dom Louis 1st Bridge is the most majestic in Porto, nicknamed “the city of ...

Clérigos Tower

Clérigos Tower Torre dos Clérigos

Clérigos Tower Clérigos Tower

Historical center

A religious building from the 18th century, the Clérigos church is a baroque work by Nicolau Nasoni, an architect ...

São João National Theater

São João National Theater Teatro Nacional São João

São João National Theater São João National Theater

Historical center

Place de Lisboa

Place de Lisboa Lisbon Square

Place de Lisboa Place de Lisboa

Historical center

A place of passage and meetings, Lisbon Square is the common point of the Lello bookstore, the Church of the Clergy ...

Municipal Square

Municipal Square Praça do Município

Historical center

Also called Câmara do Porto, the square reveals a high building with a magnificent 70-meter tower topped with a ...

Fontaine dos Aliados

Fontaine dos Aliados Aliados font

Historical center

Calm water source located on Avenue dos Aliados, near the Porto town hall, the fountain offers an atmosphere of ...

Place de Carlos Alberto

Place de Carlos Alberto Carlos Alberto Square

Historical center

An emblematic square in Porto, it was at the time known as Largo dos Ferradores (Farriers). Calm and invested with a ...