Porto in winter, this season's must-sees!
Porto in winter, this season's must-sees!
342 m - City center
Rest and relaxation
This is not common, two churches almost next to each other, simply separated by a pseudo house barely 1 meter wide. ...
163 m - Historical heart
In the center of Porto, this peaceful and shaded urban park invites you to relax. The pool built in the center ...
197 m - Historical heart
A quiet, almost secret place, it is conducive to confidences and attracts young lovers every year. Spread over ...
247 m - City center
Hospital Museum
R. Prof. Vicente José de Carvalho 37
4050-011 Porto
Phone : +351220900628
41° 8'48.53"N, 8° 37'5.1"W
342 m - City center
Rest and relaxation
342 m - City center
Not to be missed
947 m - Historical heart
Rest and relaxation
Opened in 1997, the Portuguese Photography Center is housed in the former Porto Prison, an 18th century building ...
313 m - City center
This beautiful museum has existed for over 2 centuries, housed in the country's oldest palace. Take your time ...
314 m - City center
The Stained Glass Museum, a striking visit bathed in light in Porto Creativity is at the heart of the tour that ...
744 m - Historical heart
A large 19th century bourgeois house, the Romântico Museum was the place of exile of King Charles-Albert of ...
873 m - West of Porto
What a unique collection that is at the Tramway Museum in Porto. In 1895, it was the first Portuguese city to use ...
1,2 km - West of Porto